Astrid没有说话,只是一直抱着温颂,十分贪恋她的怀抱,抱了一会又缩到了程澈怀里,抬起头看着他们,撒娇的声音中透着期待,“Can papa mama stay with me like this forever?”
然而,还没等温颂和程澈回答,Astrid就摇了摇头,自言自语般轻声说道:“No I can’t.. mama can’t stay with me today, today’s congress is so important to mama…. Sorry mama, I can’t accompany you be there.”
程澈看出了她的难过,立刻搂住了温颂的肩膀,又握着Astrid的手说:“Astrid,mama is the key speaker of today’s congress, so that congress can’t go on without her. Papa will stay with you, mama will also come back immediately after congress ends.”
温颂听到她的话,却更加难过了,甚至有点想哭,抱着Astrid亲了亲她的小脸,声音里带了些哭腔,“Thank you my sweetie. I’m sorry… thanks for understanding and supporting me all the time, mama love you. My princess, you must be healthy again in no time.”